Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Columbus Day Weekend

Dan and I had the rare 3-day weekend together. Since he works Tuesday - Saturday, and I normally work Monday - Friday, in order to even have a 2-day weekend together it requires quite a bit of scheduling. He managed to get Saturday off, and today was a holiday for my company. We agreed that a trip to Eustis was in order.

A slideshow of pictures from our weekend can be seen here:

A preview of the slideshow:

I also put together a slideshow of updated pictures of Vi. She's 10 weeks old tomorrow!! She had her 2-month checkup today. Her height and weight are both in the 75th percentile, and her head has caught up to that level, too. She weighs 11 pounds, 12 ounces, and she is 23 1/2 inches long. She's just about ready to roll over, she is grabbing and holding onto things (time to find a rattle!), and still giggling like a happy baby.

Here is the slideshow:

Last weekend Vi got to meet her cousins for the first time. I'll have to put up more pictures from that weekend later, because they were all so cute. Here is one with her cousin Benjamin:

It might be time to change the name of this blog, eh? We'll see...