Friday, July 31, 2009


The Critter turned 2 this morning. I am remarkably emotional about it - little sniffling bouts about my big girl who used to be in me, with a wild swing to over-the-top excitement about a birthday party!

Yesterday evening, I took out a section of the Swiffer mop, stuck a dry swiffer cloth on it, and handed it to Vi. Her eyes lit up and she started mopping. I said, "For your birthday, I got you a mop!" She said, excitedly, "Thank you, Mommy!!!!"

(That's not really what we got her for a gift. I found a super-cute doctor's kit.)

Last night, snuggling in the Big Girl Bed, I whispered to Vi, "You used to be inside me." She whispered back, "Thank you, Mommy."

Okay, now I can't write anymore...tissues, please.

(I'll post about the multiple parties later. Family, toddler-buddies, more family, etc...)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekends. With TWO days.

Note: This post is stripped out of a run-on, grammar-less email. Take a Dramamine now, if you must. (Kate, that means you.)

friday afternon, vi an I went to target to get sheets for her big! girl! bed!. then we went home and play,play,played. saturday we hung out with adam and dylan in the morningl, then went to cumberland to get the big! girl! bed from my parents' attic. it was, like, a million degrees up in there. we stopped on the way home to get a mattress and a mattress pad. the rest of the afternoon we put together the bed, moved around furniture, played outside, and sort of tag-teamed with vi until the project was done. she slept in her bed two nights, now, and seems to sleep really well in it! hurray. last night, she didn't get up in the night for a bottle - maybe, just maybe, this bed has solved the sleep issue! crossing my fingers. sunday we went to your parents' house and installed the old stairs on the back slab-deck, which was quite a project. dan had to dig down to make the stairs level. we did this while they were at church, and when they got back, they were so, so excited about the stairs. we hung out long enough to see jasper and have some lunch. his new motorcycle is SO HEINOUS, and yes, it renders all caps. it looks like a transformer or go-bot - seriously. apparently it's really cool and lots of fun - what do i know. :-) in the afternoon we hung out more with adam and dylan, let the girls run through the sprinkler and they had popsicles while we had iced coffee. vi and i went to the grocery store and to feed the ducks at 5 while dan did some more yard work. she had only taken a 45 minute nap, so she fell asleep on our way home at 6! we put her in her big!girl!bed! and she slept until around 7:30. had a bottle of milk and some snuggling (which is a lot easier without a crib involved!) and went back to sleep until 5:30 am. Yeah. she slept that much - magic bed. meanwhile, we enjoyed a leisurely evening, which nonetheless involved lots of chores, but we were able to do them without dealing with bedtime rituals simultaneously. we went to bed around 10.
TWO WHOLE DAYS of weekend, we have now. 2. TWO. It's pretty amazing how much more we can get done - in the way of chores AND fun - with an entire extra day thrown in there. I guess that's how the rest of the world operates, but this is completely new to us. We're eating it up.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Big Girl!

I'm so excited. Vi and I are going to buy her some sheets for her big-girl bed today! Tomorrow we'll go extract the bed from Mom's attic and buy a mattress. So cool!

It's hard to believe that in just 3 weeks she'll be 2! But then...

- If you ask her hold old she'll be, she says 'TWO!'
- If you say the word 'birthday,' she says 'MY BIRTHDAY!'

Clearly it's not a surprise to her.

The other night at dinner, Vi was pointing to the letters on her placemat - a sign-language alphabet mat. She was rambling off letters - not usually the right ones, but more of a jumbled version of the alphabet song. Dan asked her to point to the W, and she did. Cool. Then he asked her to point to the V, and she tried...I think she landed closer to the J. THEN he asked her to point to the I, and she stuck her finger in her EYE. I just about wet my pants, I was laughing so hard. Tell me some oh-so-literal stories from your brood!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dream-like Holiday Weekend!

Let me start by saying this: Saturday, July 4th, 2009, was the first Independence Day Dan has had off in 10 years.


What a treat! Add to that family visits, great neighbors, and sun, sun, sun, and you get the title of this post.

My big brother, Doug, and his wife Stephanie, and their baby, Baby Addie, were in town from Thursday night to Sunday morning. My brother, Tim, and his partner, Amy, were in town from Friday night to Saturday evening. We had a cookout with my dad on Friday night at our house, complete with grilled chicken and veggies, homemade oatmeal bread, sweet tea, and brownie sundaes. Vi was so excited to play with her little cousin, who is not so little anymore! They would kiss each other, and Vi would smile and call her by name.

Saturday we went to Smiling Hill Farm, upon hearing a rumour that they now have baby goats. It was true! Four little baby goats, with their little baby goat horns growing in...covered in something yellow...anyone know about baby goat horns? Now, I LOVE goats and baby goats, right? Everyone knows that. Well, there was something even better than a baby goat there - a baby cow! Sampson, the baby cow, was born May 13th. He likes having his chin scratched and giving cross-eyed, rough-tongued kisses. Sweet, sweet, sweet baby cow!

That night we went to my mom's for lobster. We had more bread, steamers. corn, and spanikopita. Yum! We tried to get Vi to go to bed there so we could have some adult time, and play Balderdash, but to no avail. We decided to head home, assuming she'd fall asleep en route. By the time we got to Portland, the fireworks were just about to start, and Vi was still wide awake. We found a parking spot by Payson Park, and had a blanket in the car, so we got out and introduced Vi to fireworks! She kept trying to say "sparkly," and said "Happy to YOU!" about a couple of them. It was great!

Sunday we had a birthday lunch for Dan's step-mother, and so Vi missed her nap. She stayed up really late, too, because we ended up having an impromptu cookout with our next-door neighbors. Adam showed up with some Corona and chased Vi around - to her squealingly-happy delight - while Dan and I ate with both hands. Hanging out on the porch with our friends and neighbors, good food, happy kiddo, warm was great!

Vi crashed around 8:30; I know it's a quick "down" when the lullabye CD is only on track 2 when she's asleep! Dan and I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding and The Bourne Supremacy, then crashed ourselves, insanely happy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rain, rain!

Anyone else getting cranky from all this wet, grey weather? Hmph. Even my photocopier is pissed off.

At least Vi and I can go splash in the puddles!

A few brief Vi stories:

Vi was standing in front of a clock, and said "1,2,3 Clock!" I said, "Good job - those ARE numbers on the clock!" She threw her hands in the air and shouted "Hurray!!!"

In our bed this morning, she said, "Daddy, Mommy, cuddle, ME?"

She pointed to the telephone wire at a Morning Dove, said, "Dub," then made a decent attempt at an dove-call.

She tries to give Riley the command, "Go Lay," which we use to get him out of the way. It comes out sounding like "Go away, Riley, go away."