Friday, July 31, 2009


The Critter turned 2 this morning. I am remarkably emotional about it - little sniffling bouts about my big girl who used to be in me, with a wild swing to over-the-top excitement about a birthday party!

Yesterday evening, I took out a section of the Swiffer mop, stuck a dry swiffer cloth on it, and handed it to Vi. Her eyes lit up and she started mopping. I said, "For your birthday, I got you a mop!" She said, excitedly, "Thank you, Mommy!!!!"

(That's not really what we got her for a gift. I found a super-cute doctor's kit.)

Last night, snuggling in the Big Girl Bed, I whispered to Vi, "You used to be inside me." She whispered back, "Thank you, Mommy."

Okay, now I can't write anymore...tissues, please.

(I'll post about the multiple parties later. Family, toddler-buddies, more family, etc...)

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