Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Emails from friends

A sweet email from a dear friend, loaded with "how are you" questions, prompted me to STOP for a moment and write about our busy lives. Here's my reply...

How is Vi? What’s she up to?
Vi is great. She’s up to lots…sucking on her toes, pushing herself up on her knees when in tummy time, NOT rolling over very much, talking up a storm, pooping a LOT, loving avocados and apples and pears and rice cereal but HATING (squished-up-face, hands-in-front-of-mouth, moaning and frowning and ducking the oncoming spoon) squash. I don’t blame her – it smells horrible. She had her 6 month checkup yesterday – she’s 28 ½ inches tall/long, 16 pounds, 1 ounce…109th percentile for height, 50th for weight, and 75th for head…they kept saying she must have a lot of brains in there. Doc said it’s okay that she’s not rolling over very much…since she’s able to, but not doing it, maybe she doesn’t LIKE rolling over. Hmm. Leah said Hannah doesn’t roll over, either. I’m all, “BUT SHE’S NEVER GOING TO LEARN TO READ IF SHE CAN’T ROLL OVER!!!!!!” which is apparently not true.

How’s Mom?
Mom’s…okay. Thanks for asking. She’s really down…so much going on, so much to think about, not much to DO, though. I’m hoping she finds some way to get her body’s energy flowing better. I'm anxious for her to get back to her energetic, silly self.

Is Dan enjoying his time at the Gaylord in Florida?
Dan really liked the Gaylord Palm. His room had a computer with free internet, he had his good buddy Lucas as a roommate (they’re so funny…when the registration form comes out, they both put down each others’ names as their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice for roommate!). The food was not great…I guess they had spaghetti for dinner the first night, a single egg sandwich for breakfast. He sounded exhausted this morning when we spoke. He’s supposed to touch down at PWM at 3:40 today…weather permitting. I hope they’re able to get here…I’m tired of being a single mom!!! I can’t imagine doing this on an ongoing basis.

How’s tax preparation time coming along?
Tax prep…yuck! I am so, so, so busy at work. Vi comes with me most days, which is great and fun and stressful all at the same time. I’m making very slow progress on my projects. I’m hoping to get in some extra work next week and wrap up a few things.

Who do you think will be the next president?
I’m thinking it’s going to be an Obama-Edwards ticket, winning out over McCain and whoever is crazy enough to accept the VP invitation. I’m really bummed that Edwards pulled out…he was the only one who really spoke to me on any issues. I can’t see any of the Republicans winning, but I’m really concerned that people will get the Bradley effect in the polling stations in November…and vote for White Guy instead of Black Guy or Woman. I hope a Dem. wins…not just because I identify more with that party than the Republicans, being a Green, but also because it’s so exciting to think we’ll get to see the first African-American or female president. What an inspiration to our kids.

Had any lavender custard lately?
Ooh! Lavender custard!!!!! That sounds amazing. Maybe I’ll borrow my mom’s ice cream maker and whip some up.

Any-who... that's the news from the Walsh household. It's been a rather lonely winter here...with me working so much and sleeping so little, it's left very little time for socializing. I'd love to hear from any of are YOU? What are you and yours up to? Keep in touch.
