Thursday, June 25, 2009

And the winner is.....

I'm very excited to attend tonight's Entreverge awards with my friend, Adrianne. Her company, Turtle Love Committee, is a nominee! I have cool friends.

Also, Portland Yoga Studio released its Free Introductory Classes schedule. View it here:

I have started playing around with Twitter; you may "follow" me if you wish. My handle is AccountingDept. If you have some suggestions on how to effectively use Twitter for business and marketing, I would LOVE to hear them.

Dan's job is going well! I have been informed today that we get fresh produce at cost. So cool! Hello, avocados!

Vi is doing well, too. She doesn't seem bothered by this BLEB thing - she's just going about her usual silly stuff. She has learned some manners - she says please, thank you, no thank you, and excuse me. Sometimes she says, "Thanks, you're welcome." Other times she says, "No, thank you, pleeeease!!!" (when she really means it). Even in her sleep - this morning she was dreaming and talking in her sleep, and she said, "Nonono - no thank you!!" then rolled over and snoozed some more. She can count to 10, she sings along like an older person who has forgotten some of the lyrics to the alphabet song, Twinkle Twinkle, Little Bunny Foo-foo, Doe a Deer, and So Long, Farewell. When asked, "How many of (insert object here) do you see?" she replies, "One, Two, Three!!" (regardless of how many there actually are...).

Cute stuff.

Hard to believe she'll be 2 in a few weeks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hurray! Oh, No!

Remember Dan's job interview in my last post? Well, he was called back to meet with the president on Friday, then called on Saturday to talk about a job offer. He met again with the president yesterday, and started work at 9 am today! What a whirlwind. Here's the story:

Dan responded to a craigslist job posting for a delivery driver. It wasn't going to be a big-rig, using his Class A license, but it was a driving job that could get him started. When the president called him on Saturday, it was to say "Hey, I hope you don't have your heart set on driving, because I'd like to find another way for you to join this team." The idea is that the company needs some new direction, some new hands-on tactics, and Dan has corporate experience in management. He's been hired based on a) his personality b) his experience at West Marine, and c) a combination of a) and b): the president bought a boat from Dan last year and remembered what a great job Dan did running his store. This is so Southwest Air...hire for personality, train for skills. They need help with operations, organization, and...operations, organization...He started today, learning just about everything, from the ground up. It sounded like that would mean filing and finding out where stuff goes...or where it ought to go.

It's really exciting. This guy owns another big company here, is a successful business leader in our community, and he basically hand-picked Dan for a position that didn't exist...he's making a job FOR Dan. How cool is that?

So, yeah...Dan won't be driving. At first, I thought, "Damnit! There goes $5k down the drain!!" But really, if Dan hadn't gone to trucking school, he wouldn't have applied for the delivery job, and wouldn't have this opportunity.

Funny the paths that crop up in life, eh?

So, life is good and getting better.

Except...Vi has an ear infection and a Bleb. Yes, a Bleb. I know, it sounds fake, but I swear that's what her pediatrician called it. He even let me look in the lightey-uppy ear-lookey thingy. It looks like bubble wrap - a pus-filled bubble has formed over her ear drum. Poor goose. She's napping now, and will once again be on anti-biotics. Did I say poor goose, yet? Poor goose.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Run-on update.

I had a good drop-off with Vi this morning, then coffee with a consultant with whom I'm going to collaborate on a few projects. Pretty exciting! Now I'm dealing with an IRS issue, and figuring out whether or not I have to cancel a seminar tomorrow due to lack of interest (or lack of registration, more like it!). Busy, busy.

Last night - I got home around 6 and played with Vi while Dan made dinner. She is so super funny right now - dancing, singing, painting... Then it was bathtime and bedtime. I sat in her room for an hour while she wound herself down and fell asleep. She told the story of Little Bunny Foo-Foo (instead of singing it). It goes like this: "Bunny, hopping, hopping, floppy ears, hopping, hopping - Ooh! Eyes! - Down, down, down. Hit, head, hit, hurt, head, Ouch! No! No! No! Bunny, bunny." It was sooo funny. She then told me about Willy (my brother's parrot) biting her finger (back in September!) and eating peas in his house. Then she fell asleep. Out like a light.

And, in VERY recent news, hot off the presses, Dan just called to tell me he has an interview tomorrow. Send good-interviewing thoughts his way!

Tell me - post a comment below - what is the oddest, funniest. most awkward, worst or best interview question you've been asked? Think: If you were a shape, what would it be?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What I'm trying to say is...

Don't forget to check out the new pictures and videos in yesterday's posts!

Vi is now trying to say:

Uh-oh, Spaghettios!
See ya later, alligator!
So Long, Farewell, Aufweidersehen, Goodbye.

She continues to learn and remember names, and associates individuals with the appropriate group. I was saying something about Uncle Doug and Aunt Stephanie the other day, and she piped up, "Baby Addie?" She was play-talking on the phone and said, "Heloo, Noonloo, Ben, Lolly, Doo!"

This past weekend we packed so much into two days! We went to a few yard sales and the swap shop at the dump, and came away with a new-to-us slide for Vi and the other neighborhood toddlers, and a 12-pack of mason jars. We visited Gargamel, who is home recovering. We went to the fish ladder in Brunswick, to a little league game, to buy shoes and have pizza with Granddaddy. The beach and the Old Port Festival on Sunday. The weekend felt really long, and we had tons of fun.

On another note, Mom and George are back from Ohio. Grandma is now settled into her new room at the nursing home, and her apartment has been packed up and evacuated. Among the items packed up were photos - I can't wait to see them! - and hats. Grandma is a hat person, as am I. I will try to post some pictures of me in Grandma's hats as soon as possible!

Monday, June 8, 2009


In this batch you'll see:
Some very funny videos
Vi's first bubble
A streaker
Dog play
Mama kisses

A few pictures!

Here is the first half of the massive upload in process:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jelly Dance

Last night, we decided to enact the Evening Grazing Policy of 2009. We set up a dipping station on Vi's table - a play-table from Grammy and Papou, using an ice-cube tray. There were slots filled with dippables - apple slices, bananas, green peppers, toast sticks, string cheese - and other slots filled with dips - peanut butter, yogurt, ketchup, salad dressing, parmesan cheese. She also had a slot with frozen blueberries and a snack-cup of gorp. (Gorp? One of those words that sounds less-real the more you say it. By now, I'm convinced it's the wrong word...)

She grazed and grazed, played and laughed and happily let us eat our dinner without needed to tend to her every 1/2 a bite. She opened the fridge at one point, and Dan said, "You can pick out something to eat if you want!" She pulled out her leftover cream of wheat and started shouting, gleefully, "Kee-Mee! Kee-Mee!!!" which, of course, means Cream of Wheat. Dan said he'd heat it up for her and put some jelly in it. Did she want jelly? "Yeah! Jelly!" she said, and started doing a tip-toe Riverdance while chanting "JEE-DEEE! JE-DEE!" It was incomparably cute.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Quick, quick update!

Greg is being discharged today. His recovery is right on track. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers.

Dan is helping a friend do some demolition and remodeling, and is able to repurpose most of the materials. They carefully removed the deck, and we will be adding a deck onto our house at no cost with the wood!

Mom and George are still in Ohio, helping to move Grandma (G.G.) out of her apartment and permanently into assisted living. There will be quite a bit of furniture going to a consignment shop, and some trinkets and kitchen ware distributed to family as part of the down-sizing process. I spoke with Grandma the other day, for about a minute, and she sounds so tired. In good spirits, cognisant, alert - just very, very tired.

And, a quick Vi story: On my way out the door this morning, we were blowing lots of kisses to each other. I ran over and got a real kiss, right on the cheek. I exclaimed, "I LOVE your kisses!" To which she replied, "I LOVE your kisses!" I said, "Bye-bye, sweetie," and she parroted that back to me, as well. All of this went down while she was toddling around in my heels, because I told her it was time to get her shoes on and go to school.

Oh, and she has now mastered the phrase, "No, thank you." Polite, but quite frustrating when I am just offering to change her diaper!

So, tell me: who among you would like to be invited to a deck-building party?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lilacs, Sentences, Seashells!

Oh, Lilac season is just about gone. We relished in it this year, bringing in bunches and bunches of the fragrant blossoms just about every day. Our entire home smelled like Spring! Next we'll see our Peonies pop and then the Irises. Vi and I also planted some sunflowers this year, and we should have well over a dozen stalks climbing our fence.Ah, Summer!

Our vegetable garden continues to astonish me. The cucumber seeds Vi helped me plant a few weeks ago are coming up, and our zucchini plant is flowering. Even a bean seed our little friend Tyler planted - in a dixie cup! - has sprouted. Plants have such a will to live; it's inspiring to me.

Vi has blossomed, too. Her pieced-together communication of pointing, signing, and nouns has expanded to manners and sentences. This morning she said, "Hop! Ah-pen po-do, PEEEEEESE," roughly translated to "Help! Open the play-dough, please!" She seems to have mastered the three-word sentence that fits this format: I (verb) it/you. Examples include I found it, I got it, I see you, and so on. She will climb into her stroller and say "I push you," when she actually means to ask ME to push HER. Or, "I chase you," when I am chasing her.

Her eating and sleeping habits are about to change. Dan and I rounded a parenting corner this weekend, really deciding to be IN CHARGE in these areas. Repeating the rules as often as possible - we eat when the sun is up, we sleep when the sun is down. Last night she was refusing to eat, but we pushed through the resistance (which came in the form of tears and thrashing and, my, she'll make a fine 2-year old) to get her to eat. Once she started, we had trouble getting her to stop. I had been operating on the assumption that she would self-regulate; if she wasn't hungry, she wouldn't eat. This exercise proved that there was an element of behavior associated with the pattern:S he is often too eager to explore her world - a characteristic I'm not hoping to change. I just need to give her better boundaries - this is dinner time, not play time.

After eating us out of house & home, she slept until 4:30 am. (Of course, Dan woke up at 2:00 like a trained seal.)

We had a camera-less outing to the beach on Saturday. (I know, I still owe you other pictures that I somehow managed to capture!) Vi was daring enough to let the ocean tickle her toes, but not enough to walk on dried seaweed. Or around it. Seriously - she'd come to a patch of the crunchy stuff and stall out, reach up for a lift, and refuse to move! She liked finding seashells, and piled them all into my shoe to carry around.

We found an abandoned My Little Pony kite on the beach (No, Jasper, you can't have it), and we found a bicycle with a child's seat on craigslist for next to nothing.

Bikes, Kites, and Beach-combing? This is going to be the best summer ever.