Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Run-on update.

I had a good drop-off with Vi this morning, then coffee with a consultant with whom I'm going to collaborate on a few projects. Pretty exciting! Now I'm dealing with an IRS issue, and figuring out whether or not I have to cancel a seminar tomorrow due to lack of interest (or lack of registration, more like it!). Busy, busy.

Last night - I got home around 6 and played with Vi while Dan made dinner. She is so super funny right now - dancing, singing, painting... Then it was bathtime and bedtime. I sat in her room for an hour while she wound herself down and fell asleep. She told the story of Little Bunny Foo-Foo (instead of singing it). It goes like this: "Bunny, hopping, hopping, floppy ears, hopping, hopping - Ooh! Eyes! - Down, down, down. Hit, head, hit, hurt, head, Ouch! No! No! No! Bunny, bunny." It was sooo funny. She then told me about Willy (my brother's parrot) biting her finger (back in September!) and eating peas in his house. Then she fell asleep. Out like a light.

And, in VERY recent news, hot off the presses, Dan just called to tell me he has an interview tomorrow. Send good-interviewing thoughts his way!

Tell me - post a comment below - what is the oddest, funniest. most awkward, worst or best interview question you've been asked? Think: If you were a shape, what would it be?

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