Thursday, June 25, 2009

And the winner is.....

I'm very excited to attend tonight's Entreverge awards with my friend, Adrianne. Her company, Turtle Love Committee, is a nominee! I have cool friends.

Also, Portland Yoga Studio released its Free Introductory Classes schedule. View it here:

I have started playing around with Twitter; you may "follow" me if you wish. My handle is AccountingDept. If you have some suggestions on how to effectively use Twitter for business and marketing, I would LOVE to hear them.

Dan's job is going well! I have been informed today that we get fresh produce at cost. So cool! Hello, avocados!

Vi is doing well, too. She doesn't seem bothered by this BLEB thing - she's just going about her usual silly stuff. She has learned some manners - she says please, thank you, no thank you, and excuse me. Sometimes she says, "Thanks, you're welcome." Other times she says, "No, thank you, pleeeease!!!" (when she really means it). Even in her sleep - this morning she was dreaming and talking in her sleep, and she said, "Nonono - no thank you!!" then rolled over and snoozed some more. She can count to 10, she sings along like an older person who has forgotten some of the lyrics to the alphabet song, Twinkle Twinkle, Little Bunny Foo-foo, Doe a Deer, and So Long, Farewell. When asked, "How many of (insert object here) do you see?" she replies, "One, Two, Three!!" (regardless of how many there actually are...).

Cute stuff.

Hard to believe she'll be 2 in a few weeks.

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