Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jelly Dance

Last night, we decided to enact the Evening Grazing Policy of 2009. We set up a dipping station on Vi's table - a play-table from Grammy and Papou, using an ice-cube tray. There were slots filled with dippables - apple slices, bananas, green peppers, toast sticks, string cheese - and other slots filled with dips - peanut butter, yogurt, ketchup, salad dressing, parmesan cheese. She also had a slot with frozen blueberries and a snack-cup of gorp. (Gorp? One of those words that sounds less-real the more you say it. By now, I'm convinced it's the wrong word...)

She grazed and grazed, played and laughed and happily let us eat our dinner without needed to tend to her every 1/2 a bite. She opened the fridge at one point, and Dan said, "You can pick out something to eat if you want!" She pulled out her leftover cream of wheat and started shouting, gleefully, "Kee-Mee! Kee-Mee!!!" which, of course, means Cream of Wheat. Dan said he'd heat it up for her and put some jelly in it. Did she want jelly? "Yeah! Jelly!" she said, and started doing a tip-toe Riverdance while chanting "JEE-DEEE! JE-DEE!" It was incomparably cute.

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