Friday, July 10, 2009

Big Girl!

I'm so excited. Vi and I are going to buy her some sheets for her big-girl bed today! Tomorrow we'll go extract the bed from Mom's attic and buy a mattress. So cool!

It's hard to believe that in just 3 weeks she'll be 2! But then...

- If you ask her hold old she'll be, she says 'TWO!'
- If you say the word 'birthday,' she says 'MY BIRTHDAY!'

Clearly it's not a surprise to her.

The other night at dinner, Vi was pointing to the letters on her placemat - a sign-language alphabet mat. She was rambling off letters - not usually the right ones, but more of a jumbled version of the alphabet song. Dan asked her to point to the W, and she did. Cool. Then he asked her to point to the V, and she tried...I think she landed closer to the J. THEN he asked her to point to the I, and she stuck her finger in her EYE. I just about wet my pants, I was laughing so hard. Tell me some oh-so-literal stories from your brood!

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