Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Head is down!

We had an ultrasound yesterday, and it was very cool as usual. They did not give us any still photos, so I have nothing visual for you today! I'll be sure to get one next week, as the weekly checkups have begun!
Baby weighs about 4 pounds, 1 ounce (which is the 45th percentile). She's still practice breathing, and doing all of the right stuff. Her head is down, which is a good thing...she's planning her exit strategy like a good girl. Of course, that means her most solid part is pressing on my bladder. We saw her yawn and stretch, we saw her little feet (which are, as we suspected, under my ribs) and her little hands. She has ribs and femurs and vertebrae, and she has fuzzy hair on her head. We think she's awfully cute.

Here's the technical update:
By now, your baby probably weighs almost 4 pounds and is almost 17 inches long. Her fingernails have grown in completely. Some babies have a head of hair already, while others have only peach fuzz. Your baby is taking up a lot of space in your uterus, but those tight quarters shouldn't reduce her activity level.

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