Thursday, November 1, 2007

3 Months Old on Halloween

Vi turned 3 months yesterday! I can hardly believe that much time has gone by. It's now been a year since this whole thing got started.

Our little flower girl at the "Blossoming Little Monsters" party. Some of the girls from the new mothers' class (Blossoming Newborns) got together with the babes last night. We left (one of us was melting down) before the group photo. Hopefully I'll get a copy so I can post it.

Child #2

(He's an angel)

Child # 1

(No explanation needed, especially if you've ever been graced by Mitten's charm)

Am I done yet? Please?

Naked baby, bustin' out of her swaddle.

Nothin' like a little naked time followed by a snuggly swaddle to calm a fussy baby.

Vi dressed up as a cat for Halloween.
Pretty convincing costume, eh?

Okay, it's Mitten, Child #1, wearing some of Vi's summer clothes that she never got to wear. She out-grew so many outfits, plus it got colder, earlier than I expected. I couldn't bear to put all of the unworn outfits (hand-me-downs included) without seeing how cute one of my daughters looked in them.

Tummy time!

Bright eyes. So sweet.

She's been laughing a lot lately, especially in the morning. How is it possible that I gave birth to a morning person?!? I think Dan must be sneaking her caffeine.

The big news in our world is that we're going to Las Vegas! Dan won a sales contest at work, and gets to represent his district on a mostly-leisure trip next week. It's a trip for two, so I finally get to visit Sin City! Vi is coming with us, as a good luck charm. We're staying at the Monte Carlo for the company portion of the trip, then crashing at Dan's sister's house in the area. This will - believe it or not - be the first time she and I have met!

We're hoping that Vi will bring us luck, and we'll be able to turn our $20 gambling budget into enough money to be stay-at-home parents.

Or, at least, enough to buy more diapers.

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