Saturday, December 6, 2008


We've joked for a while that when Vi starts talking, she'd be using full sentences. It might not be more than one word at a time, but today Vi decided to start using multiple words:

1) Mama
2) Dada
3) Cheese
4) Boo
5) Clap

We were doing a round of "Who's that?" which is usually a pointing game, when Vi announced that I am Mama and Dan is Dada. Later in the day, we were taking pictures with Auntie Boo, and when asked to smile & say "cheese," Vi complied. The later "Who's that?" game included Boo, and Vi repeated the name. Throughout the day, when babbling to herself and clapping, Vi kept saying something that sounded like "clap, clap, clap."

So, here we go...she'll be saying "Merry Christmas" to you all this year, I'm sure. :-)

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