Monday, January 19, 2009


Vi went pee-pee in the potty twice this weekend!

We haven't started potty "training," per se, yet. But she has been using the ASL sign for toilet for months now. She just recently started signing before going in her diaper, and reaching for an adult's hand to go with her to the bathroom, rather than just using the sign to tell us about her current, em, activity. We've been letting her sit on the toilet when she wants to, but not trying to establish any sort of pattern yet.

I got home from work on Friday, and my mother said, "That's so great the Vi is going pee in the potty now!" I was shocked! Sunday afternoon, she "asked" to sit on the potty, with a serious look in her eye. She sat there, stuffing toilet paper in between her legs happily for a minute or two. Then we both heard the same thing - pee! I thought her eyes were going to pop right out of her head. The one thing I've read about potty training is about praise, praise, praise. To sing and cheer and dance and yell "hurray!" a lot. So, I did. Vi did, too. It was super-cute to hear her shouting "Yea-eee! Yea-eee!" and "bye-bye!!!" as we flushed.

I guess I'd better figure out how to do this...! Any suggestions?

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