Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We put the Labor in Labor Day

I feel like we're in the 11th hour of an HGTV special - Appraise My House! Here is what we have accomplished since Labor Day:

Siding installed on the back side of the house.
Kitchen addition fully primed & painted.
All window frames and sills sanded, caulked, primed and painted.
Rod Iron supports on the portico reinforced, sanded and painted.
Front steps/stoop sanded and painted
Front flower beds - new Mums planted, all shrubs trimmed/groomed, all beds weeded and mulched.
Kitchen cabinets sanded and painted, hardware cleaned and painted.
Kitchen walls - finished painting yellow section, painted trim and door.
Kitchen ceiling repaired with joint compound (still needs to be sanded and painted)
Kitchen de-cluttered and "staged" to look nice.
Hallway moulding installed, primed, caulked and painted.
Hallway ceiling painted
Bathroom ceiling repaired with joint compound (still needs to be sanded and painted)
Bathroom cleaned extensively
Tub/tile in bathroom re-caulked
Upstairs de-cluttered (still needs to be cleaned)
Stairs to 2nd floor sanded and painted
Numbers on the front of the house painted
New screen door installed

Crazy, huh?

The house is getting appraised tomorrow for our refinance, so we worked tirelessly to make it look worth every penny we need it to be worth. Tirelessly is such a strange word. Who doesn't tire? We're exhausted!!

Thank GOD for family. Grammy, Papou and Uncle Drew were our heroes this weekend. From taking Vi for a sleepover on Saturday night to all the sanding, painting, installing... They really gave us the time and extra hands needed to get the house ready. Gargamel even stopped by to do some sanding on Sunday.

Vi had a blast at her sleepover, of course. Noelle, Drew and the kids were up for Noelle's high school reunion. Vi went with Grammy and Papou on Saturday afternoon, and played, wrestled, ate, chased, movie-watched and played some more until bedtime. We were worried that she wouldn't sleep there, but no....she went down easy-as-pie at 9 pm and didn't wake up again until 9 am. Yeah, you read it right the first time. The Goose slept for a 12 hour stretch for the first time in her life. Grammy and Papou will tease us about that for a long time to come, I imagine!

I will post pictures of the house sometime soon...oh, and pictures of the entire summer of Vi. Now that my home office is cleaned and organized, maybe I will be more eager to get that done!

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