Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

thursday morning:
We have little flowers starting to pop their green heads up out of the soil. Brave, they are. Leaving the warmth of their dirt-blankets, hoping for enough sunshine for nourishment to realize their goal of flower-dom.

That's how I feel right now, too. Full of hope for a brighter tomorrow. Dependent on faith that I will find a way to nourish my soul through my career. Colleagues tell me how brave I am. I say, I must be brave, because I'm terrified! This is either the stupidest or the smartest thing I've ever done, leaving my job before securing another.

I hope we don't have any late frosts.

thursday afternoon:
My friends, colleagues and associates are amazing. I am truly inspired and full of hope for my career. How lucky am I to be in a position where I can hold out for a dream least for a couple of months, I can hold out! I have some time to myself, time to network, time to play, time to rest...I have given myself the gift of time! The possibilities seem endless.

thursday evening:
Dan: "I got laid off today."

thursday night:
I'm just holding onto hope, trying to stay positive, and hanging onto the faith that the sun will come out tomorrow.

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