Gift registries are a funny thing. Very American, consumerist, yet, I'm finding, a lot of fun for the shopaholic in me!
It reminds me of the annual autumnal arrival of the Big Book from Sears. My brothers, sister and me would spread it out on the floor and lay down on the family room carpet to stare with delight at the Christmas possibilities. And, we would make our lists for Santa. Our lists for Santa definitely rivalled our lists for Grandpa, who could not share affection properly, so he would shop instead.
I like to think that I could live simply, with few possessions. That I'm not greedy. That I won't spoil my child. (And, that I won't ever stub my toes on piles of plastic toys.)
And then I start clicking "Add to my registry" like I'm pulling the arm on a slot machine. Not that I'm proud of this...really, I'm a hippie at heart. But, we're in this money-saving, "how are we going to live?! We must get our finances in order!" mode right now. So, reliving the Big Book experience is just enough
like shopping to keep me from whipping out my credit card to buy rattles and booties and Pooh.
The things I put on the list are a combination of "must-haves" and "like-to-haves." Diapers, blankets, bibs, a mattress...these things are, in my mind, must-haves. I do remind myself that children have been put down to bed in a dresser drawer, transported in a car without a car seat, swaddled in whatever fabric is available...and survived perfectly well. The other voice in me says: SIDS, SUVs, Dust Mites. So, I'me taking advantage of a lot of hand-me-downs from my sister, re-using some pieces from my own infancy, and trying to include organic fabrics as often as possible.
"Like-to-haves" is another issue entirely. Many of you know that one of my favorite jobs ever was working at a small, independent toy store which specialized in early childhood education. We had THE BEST toys for babies and toddlers. I enjoyed this product line so much that I created a thorough business plan to start a baby-gear store of my own. (That may still happen someday...who knows? I'm just not sure if I'll get my MBA, CPA certification, become a doula or go to law school first, though...but that's another topic for another day.)
So, you'll see a lot of rattles, playmats, gyms, crib toys, and other developmentally-sound stuff.
Along with Penguin Bowling and a Green Monster Mobile.
I certainly don't expect to receive everything on the list...but just for a few hours, it was really fun to feel like I was on my belly in the family room one more time. Because, not only can I not lay on my belly anymore, but Sears stopped sending out their Big Book years ago.
Comments are open (as always) - What do YOU think about Gift Registries? Creating them for yourself, using them to shop for a loved one?