Tuesday, March 13, 2007

All her 2,000 parts...

So, here she is! Little Baby Girl. What's amazing is how much we could see during the hour-long ultrasound. 10 fingers and 10 toes. 4 perfect heart chambers. A stomach, a bladder, 2 kidneys. Little baby ribs and little baby vertebrae. As the technician tried to take pictures of her heart, Little Baby Girl kept moving her hands all around, casting shadows over her own chest. Seeing her mouth open and close was pretty awesome. All of her pieces and parts are right where they should be.
She weighs about 11 ounces, and measures 7-10 inches in length, head to toe. Right on schedule.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sure looks like a baby.

You must be thrilled!

The pictures of YOU look great, too.