Thursday, March 29, 2007

22 Week update

A little late in posting this week, but here it is:

How your baby's growing:
Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in at 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily.

Me? I'm really, really, really tired. I can't wait to catch up on some rest and get some fresh air this weekend.

Vi? She's not really tired, or so it seems by her constant squirming! I swear, she's swimming laps.

Dan? He's really tired, and stressed. Trying to gear up for his busy season at work with a skeleton crew!

1 comment:

Katrine said...

You know, I'll bet if you can find a spot of sun, and lay belly-up so that Vi can see and feel it, she'll settle in, quiet down and soak up the sun. Give it a try.