Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Once again, a timely read

My sister sent me the following blog post waaaay back in October 2007. Remember October 2007? I had been back to work for about a month, was starting to struggle with work/home balance, trying to figure out child care, and feeling so alone and helpless.


It's funny to read this again, now. So much has changed, yet not much is different. I still struggle for balance. Child care has been an ongoing issue - emotionally, logistically, financially. I feel like a crazy person when I argue it out in my head - I want to be home with Vi, I can't afford to be home with Vi, I have to work, I love my work, I miss Vi, I can't afford quality child care unless I work, I only need quality child care if I work...and so on. Like an insane carousel of emotions and problems and hopes and fears that just doesn't stop.

We've been in a decent pattern for a couple of months now, with a great nanny, a great grammy, and Dan's off-season schedule loosening up a bit. Just this past week, we have found a day care center that I really like. The people are so friendly and qualified, the location is convenient, the price is right... I'll be able to work more...

I should be thrilled, right? I just keep telling myself that it's time. Vi is ready. She is dying for more interaction, more education, more stimulation, more consistency. (Of course I'm hoping the consistency will help the night waking!) I'm ready for more consistency, more balance. Dan is ready for a less crazy wife. (We'll see.)

I guess that sums it up. We'll see.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

I swear I have NO recollection of sending this to you....ACK!