Monday, July 14, 2008

Now hiring

It seems I did the right thing in firing our sitter. I wrote her a letter explaining why I had fired her, and asking her to clarify some "issues." She wrote back to me with, what appears to be some form of honesty. The basic elements of her letter were:
a) She's a smoker, but don't worry, she would never smoke around the baby. She's sorry she lied to me about that.

b) She also lied to me about her boyfriend having a seziure three weeks ago. She didn't show up one day, and when I finally got her on the phone, she sounded awful - stressed, tired, upset. She told me her boyfriend had a seizure, she'd been in the hospital all day, etc. I kept asking about him as the weeks went on - how's he doing, do they need anything, etc. She told me one time he had to go for more tests. Another time she told me they were putting him on some medication to "calm his nervous system." And so on. In this letter she came clean about the whole story. Seems he didn't have a random seziure - it was brought on by magic mushrooms. Seems he didn't go to the hospital at all. Seems she's a big, fat liar. Seems I would never trust her again.

c) She asked me for a raise.

In her "Please let me have my job back" letter, she asked me for a raise. Ha.

What's so sad to me is that she was GREAT with Vi. Vi truly liked her. I truly liked her. She's a smart girl - she's just being a stupid kid. And I never really understood stupid kids.

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