Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time to reflect...

One year ago today, I felt a bit disappointed that my contractions didn't start on their own. That I HAD to be induced.

But, one year ago today, I quickly got over it, because we were on our way to the hospital to get our baby.

Now here I am, another year older and not much wiser, because sleep deprivation has taken every extra ounce of wit from my brain, reflecting on the most surreal days of my life.

Here I am, the mother of a beautiful, silly baby, who fills my days with more laughter and tears and fun and not-fun than I could have imagined. She's a little person, transforming every day into a little girl, leaving the traces of baby-hood behind. Walking, eating, babbling, pointing, laughing, kissing...just a few of the amazing things she's learned to do, just 'cause. Just because she's human and growing, like all of us.

One year ago, to the hour? I was groaning, naked in a bathtub, being scolded by my seemingly teenage non-mom nurse for not relaxing enough between contractions. (She said, as she increased my pitocin drop and offered me pain meds.)

Tomorrow will be another surreal day, I'm sure. Full of work and business and busy-ness, as usual. But we'll definitely take time to reflect on those first few moments of Vi's life, which began at 5:41 am on July 31st, 2007. One Year Ago. When Dan and Lindsay became parents.

1 comment:

DGM said...

Sweet Vi, welcome to the Green World, again (a year after your arrival)! I can't help but quote Debra Frasier's "On the day you were born".

Vi, we are so glad you've come!

L and D happy anniversary of Vi's birthday. It is one heck of a tender day!