Friday, March 13, 2009

11 Years!

Today marks the 11th anniversary of my first date with Dan. Wow - 11 years! I feel, wait, I feel like we were SO young then! It's amazing to me that 11 years ago tomorrow I fell in love with the man who is now my sweet, dear, devoted husband. Sure, we drive each other crazy, but what can I say? I'm crazy about him. To celebrate, we had fillet o'fish last night. Yes, we did. It's either totally white-trash or totally John Edwards of us to do so. But man, it was a tasty, nasty sandwich.

We are heading to Boston tomorrow night to crash at my brother Tim's house. My sister and her clan will be up for the weekend, too. Sunday morning we'll all go to the Children's Museum. Vi will get to play with her cousins Ben & Lolly, see two uncles and two aunts, and see Willy the Bird. Vi LOVES Willy the Bird, and asks (demands) to see him (pictures of him or any other tropical bird) daily (morning, noon, and night). Here are some of my favorites:

Since Noelle will be there, rest assured there will be some new professional-quality Vi pics to come in the next month or so!

Have a happy weekend, everyone!

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