Monday, March 30, 2009

Short weekend that felt long - in a good way!

I'm in a rush to post today - lots of work to do. This is ripped from an email to my sister-in-law - just a quick synopsis of the fun family weekend we had, Dan Vi and me:

I worked late on Friday night, and we watched an episode of Weeds before bed. Still, this weekend felt really long. I think the longer days just feel good.

Saturday we went to the hardware store. Dan bought some stuff for George's chainsaw while Vi and I explored. There are a LOT of potties at Maine Hardware, so that took up most of our time. She pointed at each one and exclaimed, "Potty!" They have a popcorn popper there, so she had some popcorn to carry around and munch on, which is always a good thing. We went to Whole Foods to buy eggs and chicken - super-sale - and Vi fell asleep on the way home for an early nap. In the afternoon we went to my parents' house so Dan could help George cut up a HUGE branch that had fallen in their yard this winter. It was the size of a tree, and it fell so hard that the branches on the downward side were literally injected into the earth. Very cool. Vi helped out by carrying twigs and pinecones and pointing at deer poop and shouting "POOP!!!" We blew some bubbles and did some Running, too. A fun afternoon. We made yummy pizza for dinner and watched another episode of Weeds before bed. (We borrowed the Season 1 DVD from a friend.)

Sunday we got up and were very disappointed in the weather. What were we going to do with an energetic kiddo in the cold rain? I had a nice long chat with my mom while Dan and Vi watched some Beaker the Muppet on YouTube, and my mom suggested the pet store. We immediately got into the car and drove to the pet store in Mill Creek. They were having puppy play hour - dog-owners bring their puppies in to play with a trainer. So, we saw puppies, fish, birds, lizards, a cat who was visiting from the Animal Refuge League, mice, a bunny, and frogs. It was almost too much fun. In the afternoon we went for a short play date at a friend's house and let the kids run wild.

We actually managed to get some cleaning and organizing in, too. It was a productive and fun weekend!!

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