Monday, November 2, 2009


Ah, Daylight Saving Time. I remember when that meant an extra hour of sleep. Now, it means an extra hour of morning! Luckily for us, that meant Vi was awake for an extra hour yesterday, crashed at 8:30 and slept through the night. Something is working!

I want to remind everyone to vote tomorrow. Whatever important items are on your local ballots, do your research and get to the polls! Here in Maine, the item on which I place the greatest importance is the people's referendum to repeal the marriage equality act. In plain terms, our state passed a law allowing same-sex marriages. Some people gathered signatures to get a in item on the ballot to repeal that law. Voting NO on Question 1 keeps the law in place, and that is exactly how I am voting. This is a long-time belief of mine, that marriage should not be restricted to one man and one woman, that a same-sex couple should have the same rights, same protections, same opportunities. I'm not feeling particularly eloquent on the topic today, but I've got my No on 1 bumper sticker on, and I'm getting myself to the voting booth tomorrow! Here is the website for No on 1.

1 comment:

Anthony Megliola said...

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